Bankai Group helps telecom operators and carriers to provide global coverage to their customers. The company has exclusive traffic arrangements with MNOs, MVNOs, enterprise customers and more to provide multi-service level offerings. Our A-Z voice termination services are available across the world and our team of expert professionals persistently work towards closing the gap between what our customers expect and what is provided to them.
We consistently monitor the traffic on our wholesale ring to ensure that connected VoIP carriers, whether via unilateral or bilateral agreements, are offered the highest quality of wholesale carrier services.

Wholesale Voice

Bankai Group is a pioneer in wholesale voice service with several decades of experience and footprints across the globe. We understand customers’ need for reliable and flexible technical support resources that are a pre-requisite for maintaining their systems and providing continued high-quality services to their clients. Our team of qualified & certified engineers proactively address all the technical issues of our customers. We offer real-time monitoring, alert systems and quality assurance as well.

Our aim is to ensure personalized support during entire customer lifecycle. Every customer is assigned a personal manager from the company to negotiate and fulfill all requirements at the earliest. The assigned managers put in extra effort to form relations with the customers and offer highly personalized modes of communication to acknowledge and resolve their issues.

Retail Voice

Bankai Group is a global leader in retail & wholesale VoIP call termination services under the brand name BridgeVoice. The company’s robust experience and profound expertise in the telecommunications industry has enabled us to develop an Automated Carrier Platform for telecom operators, carriers and service providers.

BridgeVoice offers an online platform called ‘BridgeVoice Pluto’ for trading and settlement of wholesale interconnect voice services. This one-stop wholesale VoIP platform allows carriers to access a range of alternative network providers and carriers to meet the capacity demand with quality assurance and simplify international calling. Our wholesale voice termination platform secures our vendors with quick-pay services and settlement option, based on their products. This delivers MNOs, MVNOs, tier 1 carriers, calling card companies, enterprise customers and service providers with efficient network management, maximized network redundancy, and quality-based routing mechanism at competitive pricing.

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