New York, August 21, 2023, Bankai Group, a renowned player in the telecom and ICT ecosystem, is set to make a significant impact as a Platinum Sponsor at the prestigious Asian Carriers Conference (ACC) 2023. Scheduled to take place from September 11th to 15th, 2023, at the opulent Shangri-La Mactan in Cebu, Philippines, ACC 2023 will witness the unveiling of two exclusive partnerships by Bankai Group, reshaping the telecom industry in the Asia Pacific & Africa regions.
Bankai Group’s presence at ACC 2023 underscores its commitment to spearheading innovation and collaboration within the telecom sector. The event serves as an ideal platform for thought leadership, dynamic business networking, and an extraordinary delegate experience, empowering industry players worldwide to accelerate expansion, challenge conventional norms, and forge connections with visionary leaders and innovation partners.
Aayush Barot, the Chief Business Development Officer (Asia ME Oceania) of Bankai Group, is thrilled about the event, stating, “ACC 2023 presents an unparalleled opportunity for the telecom industry to collaborate, share insights, and drive transformation. During ACC 2023, we will make game-changing announcements, solidifying our position as a key player in the Asia Pacific & Africa telecom market and presenting cutting-edge opportunities for industry players.”
Bankai Group’s Booth #P6 will be a focal point of ACC 2023, where attendees can explore a comprehensive array of groundbreaking solutions and services tailored to meet the evolving needs of the telecom industry. The showcase includes Global Voice and Messaging, A2P Monetization, BridgeVoice Pluto, Subscriber Monetization Platforms, Revenue Management Solutions, Network Switching Solutions, Monitoring Solutions, and Fraud Management Solutions.
About ACC 2023:
ACC is one of the leading telecom events in the Asian region, and it has long been a growth enabler for industries – where the region’s thought leadership, business networking, and end-to-end delegate experience are all set to empower industry players across the world to ACCELERATE expansion and growth, CHALLENGE ways of thinking and working, and CONNECT with the right leaders, movers, and innovation partners. Global telco & ICT professionals attend ACC. Delegates range from C-level, VP, and Director-level to Senior Management. Participating companies operate in over 60 countries and territories across various subgroups within the telco & ICT industry, such as, but not limited to, carriers, wholesalers, VOIPs, OTTs, submarine cable operators, and others.