Meet Bankai at Canto 2024

CANTO’s 39th Annual Conference & Trade Exhibition convenes telecom industry leaders, innovators, and key decision-makers.

CANTO 2024, the Caribbean region’s flagship event, will have the theme “Towards a Sustainable Digital Economy.”

Bankai Group is all set to take the stage at CANTO 2024 as a silver sponsor from July 7 to 10 in Miami, Florida.

Meet our telco experts to explore how Bankai’s ingenious telecom solutions can bring about a digital transformation in the Caribbean.

Our suite of comprehensive solutions to shape the future of connectivity includes:

  • International Messaging Connectivity
  • A2P Monetization & Firewall
  • Fraud Management & Revenue Assurance
  • Global Virtual Number
  • Digital Financial Solutions
  • Converged Billing Solutions
  • International Voice Origination & Termination

Join team Bankai at Booth#11 and discuss the future of Caribbean connectivity and digitization.
