Bankai Group is looking forward to participating in the virtual Nigeria Com on September 29 and the West Africa Com Virtual Event on September 30-October 1. The events will bring together the Anglophone and Francophone technology companies in the region and allow them to connect with technology service providers. Delegates registering for Nigeria Com will have exclusive access to the West Africa Com Virtual event.
Bankai Group will be attending the events to discuss the latest innovations and developments in the telecom industry and the way forward in the post-COVID-19 world. Schedule a meeting with us to get live demos of our advanced solutions designed to help carriers and operators expand their businesses. Our solutions and services include a Blockchain-based SMS platform, SMS firewall, BridgeVoice Pluto Automated Carrier Platform, Revenue Management solutions, Monitoring solutions, and fintech solutions like MobiFin Elite and Banking Suite. We hope to see you there!